Sunday, October 09, 2005

First posting

Writing my first blog, I thought it was important to provide some perspective or background on who I am and why I am writing. I discovered this blogging service from a former client who emailed me after several years of not having spoken with her, and provided a link to her blog. Thank you Monica.

The “about me” took some time in preparing to provide a perspective that I felt was valid and informative, as well as give the reader an understanding of how I might be of help to them.

Over the life span of this blog I expect to be writing about my own learning experiences and awareness, and how it can help others. It will cover issues of visions, goals, balance, money, leadership, networking, rainmaking, and holistic growth – as initial topics.

I will also write about other resources that I find to be particularly useful, and want to pass on including Dave Asomaning, founder of Synchromind (, and Robert Middleton, Action Plan Marketing (

If I can be of assistance I want to. I find that when I am helping someone develop their abilities I feel I am operating from my greatest gifts and natural talents, and at the end of the day I am more energized than when I started the day. I want this for myself and I want it for others.

If you like what I have to say, I would enjoy hearing from you. If I can help you in any specific way let me know and I will try to write about it or, if you prefer, just enjoy what I post.

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