Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Health, Wealth and the Fiscal Cliff

Along with succession planning, both estate planning and wealth planning are critical to the success of a multi-generational family enterprise. Succession and estate planning are the two primary topics family business owners procrastinate most on.

http://peakfamilybusiness.com/files/2011/10/block_pie_graph_data_sheet_400_clr.pngWhile what will become of the estate tax next year is uncertain, it can be safely assumed that it will go up.  The current rate is 35% with an exemption of $5 million ($10 m for couples).  Restoring rates of 2009 would increase the rate to 45% with exemptions of $3.5 million ($7 m for couples). If congress does not act it will automatically return to the pre-2001 rates of 55% with exemptions of $1 million ($2 m for couples)

The challenge with estate taxes in family businesses it that often the cash available to family members is tied up in the business; and the next time the next generation has to liquidate the business to pay the estate tax will not be a first.

I know none of you are planning to die early to avoid a higher tax rate next year, and that this is a topic most of us would rather not have. There are actions you should take now, however, to not only minimize your children’s tax bill also provide resources for them to lead when they take over the business. Guidance from an (your) estate attorney, CPA, and financial advisor are needed to do the proper planning.

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