Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Are you an entrepreneur or a leader?

CBS Money Watch recently published an article comparing and contrasting entrepreneurs and leaders.

The entrepreneurial leader, the author noted, are people who not only changed our lives but changed life as we know it. He noted as entrepreneurial leaders people such as Steve Jobs (Apple), Yvon Chouinard (Patagonia), Herb Kelleher (Southwest Airlines), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Henry Ford (Ford Motor Co.), and Sam Walton (Walmart).

While I very much liked the article, I thought it could possibly have been comparing leaders and managers.

And at the same time, I see significant value recognizing distinctions and nuances, when and where they exist, between manager, leader and entrepreneur. Awareness of and the ability to articulate distinctions demonstrate an intense knowledge and understanding. The Sami, for example, an Artic indigenous people, have hundreds of words for snow (Wikipedia).

What do you think? You can read the article at .